Do you remember my last post with the orchid getting ready to bloom - well here it is in all it's amazing beauty. There are 10 open flowers and 10 buds still to open. I have never seen anything like it. I love it every single day.
I have been busy with things around here but will post them when they are done. The doll box class was a good time and I love how mine is turning out- still have work to do & hope to complete in the next couple weeks.
Well - my latest obsession is queen anne dolls. I was fortunate enough to go to Indiana with a couple friends, to a doll luncheon. The guest speaker was Robin Thompson and her dolls were there..... OMG I was in heaven. Check out her website to see them there. She also makes the furniture and to see that in person is something else. She also had a miniature room with a doll all the furniture, etc - she made the entire thing - hard wood floors, molding, windows, fire place - it really was beautiful

. Check out her website - the detail is really impressive.