Friday, December 4, 2009

funny little pin doll

Man is it ever cold - it is in the 20's and briskly cold. I like it though. Wonder if we will see snow this weekend.
Well- just before 10pm I finished my pin doll for our exchange tomorrow- I had this partially made a few years ago and added fibers, beads and sequins. I am pretty happy with it - sure is a silly and funny little person. The body is the size of a tea bag and the head is the size of a grape. I hope whoever gets it enjoys it. Hope you like it too.

1 comment:

Ellen aka Auntmoonie said...

oh so dang cute! She looks like she's tiptoeing through the tulips and she wants you to join her.....let's all sing it now....~~~Tip Toe, Through the Tulips, Tralalala~~~~....I can hear those awesome falsetto voices now.....